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Here you'll find the most frequently asked questions about Doodle Champs! Hopefully the answer to any questions you may have about the game will be answered below.

When & where can I get Doodle Champs?

Doodle Champs is planned to release in 2024. We're a small team of two developers, so please bare with us. 


A full mobile version of Doodle Champs is also planned if the Steam version receives enough support - along with future releases on other popular storefronts.

How many players?

The current Steam version supports 1-4 players! - Invite up to 3 friends to your party.

We highly recommend you invite some friends for the ultimate experience, however most of the game modes can be played by one person.

Do I need a graphics/drawing tablet to play?

Nope. Doodle Champs can be played with a mouse, however a graphics/drawing tablet is highly recommended for the best experience.

How many game modes are there?

There's 4 different game modes in Doodle Champs! Doodle Dash, Canvas Crew, Pencil Pushers & Art Assembly. To learn more about each of the exciting game modes check out the about page!

How long has Doodle Champs been in development?

Since Febuary 2021!

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